Han Bennink is well-known as a drummer, but not many people know that he is also a visual artist, and considers himself as a servant of two masters: music and art. He never studied music, but he does have a diploma from art school! Now that he's turned 75, there will be a major exhibition of his art work, opening in October 2017 at the Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen.
But although there are myriad recordings of Han (many with his artwork on the cover!), there has been precious little published of his visual art. Now we would like to give him a big birthday present - a book of his art work, designed by the world-famous Irma Boom.
That's what this crowdfunding project is about, to make the book possible - and Han himself has donated ten collages for sale to support this endeavour, for € 500 each, all the profits going to the book. Irma Boom has made a special stop-motion film as well, which you can see on the crowdfunding project page at Voor De Kunst. Since the site is currently Dutch-only, they've set up a page to help English-speaking donateurs here, which allows you to donate via credit card and PayPal.
The rewards for contributors are at present:
€ 10 or more set of postcards by Han
€ 25 or more sign-up for the book at a reduced price
€ 50 or more personally signed copy of the new CD from the Han Bennink Trio, Adelante
€ 100 or more the book and a mention as donor in the book
€ 250 or more the book and a mention as donor in the book and a personal mini-concert by Han at the opening.
A sincere thank you very very much for considering a donation!